Poetry Book Project

Mrs. Cabrera's Poetry Book Project
*Important - the pages are counted front and back; therefore the front, first
page is 1, then the back of page 1 is page 2 etc. The book must resemble a real
published book, so please produce a quality piece! Remember to keep it in a gallon
sized Ziplock bag.
Remember to have a parent reread and spell/ grammar check, before you paste
anything in the book. Use your computer spell check/ grammar check carefully. Also use
Glue Sticks, NOT liquid glue- as the pages will wrinkle.

Cover: must have an alliterated / or a catchy title, student name (first/last), and picture
or design. They can be hand-drawn or computer- generated. You may use stickers.
Page 1- Dedication page ( To_________ for______________.)
Page. 2- Copyright page (cut out the logo and text below and paste it on the center of
page 2)
Cabrera Castle
Walter C. Young Publishing
All rights reserved.
Pages 3-24 Paste all your poems ( poems are explained in class-please take careful
notes ) and include clipart, pictures or designs that relate to the poem's theme or
meaning.( You may have more than one poem on a page, if you have extras.)
Page 25- Bio poem about yourself (format given in class)
Page 26- A recent photo of yourself (the poet)


Suggested Ideas and poems:

1. Remember...   2. Eyes   3. Unfortunately, - Fortunately   4. My Name   5. Just because...   6. My Promise   7. Top Ten Life Rules   8. I Used to be, But Now I am

9. I love...I hate... 10. If I were in Charge of the World  11. True Story  12. If the World was Crazy  13. Character(Taylor Swift)  14. Diamante, Tanka, Cinquain-Free choice

15. Synonym Poem   16. Can You Imagine?  17.Lyric Poem    18. What is a poem?   19. Whatifs ?   20. Time Capsule    21. ABC's of Poetry   22. Manifesto

23. Free Choice       24. Free Choice